Sunday, July 31, 2016

Three-Day Quote Challenge: Day Two

     It's a beautiful morning. Gorgeous, even, and sunny.
     But also hot enough to make you dizzy and humid enough to make your hair look like someone attacked it with a woodchuck.
    I miss writing out on the back porch so much. It might just be a little concrete slab on the back of an apartment where all of the neighbors can see me, but at least it's outside. D= I want my outdoor weather back.

     Anyway. *cough* Enough whining. This is a challenge, not a rant-post.

     Without further ado, my quote of the day.
(Scarlet by Marissa Meyer, second book in The Lunar Chronicles Series, as said by Wolf, my favorite character in said book.)

     This quote is from a modern book, yes, but that doesn't make it any less valuable, or even profound, than a quote from a classic. (I plan to lay out the modern classics in this series of posts. And probably in some straggling quotes after, because I adore quotes and I love to share them.)
     If you haven't read The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, you need to. They're the perfect blend of adventure, action, romance, and futuristic sci-fi. And not dystopian futuristic, so even better, right? Am I right? It's so original, and the author writes amazing books, so check them out.

     The people I shall nominate this day are:
  1. Madison from Running Hard For the Other Side! From writing advice to updates on her own life that make me see that I'm not alone in my feelings and habits in writing, her blog is awesome. She's an amazing writer.
  2. The crew from Just What I Think! Their posts are packed with fun stories, pictures from life adventures, and the occasional pondering of something deeper, such as morals and spirituality. All around a good, solid blog to follow.
  3. Elizabeth from Confessions of a Teenage Writer! She's a lot like most of my dear blogger friends--a teenage writer, and a completely fabulous human being in general. All of her posts reflect that.
     To the spectacular nominees: If your blogs were people, I would totally be friends with them. :P
     To the spectacular readers: Go follow their blogs.

     Anyways, I think that's it for today! But when this series of posts is over, and all of the hullabaloo about quotes is passed, expect a post about character deaths and the whys and why nots, and also the ins and outs of how they propel or negatively affect your story.


Saturday, July 30, 2016

Three-Day Quote Challenge: Day One

     I've been nominated for another something, and I'm not going to lie... kinda excited about it. I think. ;D
     Thank you, Mae, for the nomination! =) I'm truly honored and you are such a dear. 
     Also, readers, check her blog out because she posts all kinds of awesome things and it would be cool if she got more recognition for that.
     Down to business, then?
     Rules and details of said nomination:
  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Nominate three new bloggers every day.
  3. Post a new quote every day for three days.
     So, it might be a struggle to nominate new people... since I don't really know anyone that Mae hasn't already nominated, but we'll see. (Some of those folks are so cool that they deserve a double nomination, anyway. ;) )


(From Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell.)

     I suppose I should get on with the nominating, then, huh? Yeah, probably.
  1. Freckles from Freckled Mermaids! Her blog posts always make me smile, and they usually make me laugh. She writes the best Marvel character-themed blog posts of anyone I know, and did I mention that she's funny?
  2. Ashton from Living, Loving, Trying Life! She hasn't posted much, but what she has completely unraveled and rebuilt my understanding of how plot structure is supposed to work. She's super smart and is excellent at simplifying her knowledge to the level where mere mortals--like me--can understand it.
  3. Rubix from The Sea Calls Us Home! Everything she writes is beautiful and poetic and will make you feel things. This girl is TOTALLY winning at the whole blogging thing, and I guess this is a good way to tell her that. 
     To all the lovelies I nominated: You deserve this nomination 'cause you're awesome. Really, you are. Extraordinary.
     To the lovelies who are readers: You need these blogs in your life, please go give them a look. All of them are different and all of them deserve attention.

     I guess that's all. I started reading a new series, so I can't be bothered for long periods of time. ;D I'm sure you understand.


Friday, July 1, 2016

A Shout into the Void

     I understand now why people throughout the centuries have always discouraged the next generation from becoming writers. Writing is an entirely lonely vocation. You're by yourself, scribbling thoughts and feelings and dreams down in the most raw and utterly vulnerable sense, and no one cares.
     To write is to be alone and to have chosen solitude. To have chosen to have a voice that screams and wails and keens into the darkness.
     They say that when a tree falls in the forest alone it makes no sound, but believe me, when I am alone with my thoughts and I pound out stories, it's far from silent. There is too much noise, too much feeling, and I know that no one will ever catch wind of it because this is the path that I have chosen for myself.
     When you have another talent, a great talent, you're not alone. You can get views on that amazing speed painting, that singing video, the dance challenge, the makeup tutorial. When you excel at things like those, you are heard. And people long to hear what you have to say.
     But when you write... it's a struggle even to get people to listen to a single word. You can go about it like a blogger, a wattpad author, and get all of your content out there for free. No one has to pay to read what you write except for you. And that in itself is a struggle. To be noticed is a struggle. To raise your voice above the thousands that already shriek for attention is a struggle.
     Then we have the even harder way. You write a story, you write hundreds of letters, and you wait for months and months strung together for a reply. You wait for anything, and when your reply comes, even if it's a rejection, you get a stirring of relief inside, because my god, someone actually heard your voice.
     But I digress. I've done way too much talking lately, shouting into the void. In my journal, in poems, and now, here. I'm getting better at speaking my mind and getting it all out in an orderly fashion, so I should be happy. Trouble is, I'm not.
     I want to be heard.
     So my word to you (and myself also) for today is simply this: Learn to be content with only the sound of your own words echoing back to you, and maybe, hopefully, prayerfully, someone else's words will come rumbling back along with your echo. You are not a tree that falls in the forest, you are a living, feeling being, and your voice will be heard. Give it time, give it patience, run with endurance, and eventually you will see the fruit of your labor.
     Never give up.